Activities | Coláiste Mhuire
School is more than just class based learning, their is a huge social element to second level education and a boy's time in Coláiste Mhuire should be one of fun and fond memories. All students are encouraged to participate in extra curricular activities and the school offers many opportunities for students to take part and develop their skills. Our school has a great tradition in Gaelic games and athletics, however we also like to explore talents and interests other than sports. Have a look below to see what may interest you. Alternatively, click on Music, Drama, Sport, Coding to find out more about each of these.
Gaisce – The Presidents Award
Outdoor Pursuits
Charity Fund Raising Activities
Chess Club
Easy Joggers Club
BT Young Scientist/Scifest
Coláiste Coding (computer coding club)
Prism Maths
Debates/Public Speaking club
Transition Year Drama Productions
Trad Music Group
Board games club
Annual talent show
Gaelic Football
Coláiste Mhuire Bank